Saturday, August 09, 2014

August 10 @ Jubilee

Tomorrow I will continue both Summer Sermon Series. In the morning I'll be preaching on Psalm 15, about the covenant-keeper who will never be shaken. Theme and Heads: 


1. The Question (v. 1)
2. The Answer (vv. 2-5a)
3. The Promise (v. 5b)

In the afternoon we'll be wrapping up our study of chapter 2 of the Canons of Dort with a sermon on Article 9 entitled: The Bridegroom and his Bride. Here's the summary:

Despite the attacks of the devil against Christ and his church, the eternal plan of God will prevail. Christ will, from the beginning of the world until its end, gather in the elect from every language, people, and nation. There will always be a church of believers founded upon the blood of Christ to love, praise, honour, and glorify him, for the Bridegroom must have a bride.

As always, visitors are welcome at Jubilee Church.