And then there was only one "Kampen."
Because of its advice to the PKN synod from its Council for Oversight of
Theological Education, plans are in place for The Protestant Church in
The Netherlands (PKN) to combine its three places for pastoral training
into a new Protestant Theological University. The change could take
effect as soon as January 2007, with programs beginning in September
The PKN now has three places for theological training. At the
Theological University of Kampen, students follow a six-year course of
theology and practical pastoral training. At the universities of Leiden
and Utrecht, students follow a four-year study of theology at the
university, followed by two years of pastoral training under the
supervision of either the Institute for Theological Science (Hyde Park),
or the Evangelical Lutheran Seminary. In the new system, this latter
two-year phase would be converted to a full three-year Masters program.
These recommendations would accommodate directives from the Dutch
government to reduce costs. All of the institutions have given their
approval to the plan.
+ Theological University of the Protestant Church in the Netherlands,
Postbus 5021, 8260 GA, Kampen, Netherlands