Wednesday, June 21, 2017

An Ascension Hymn: Christ Went up on High

Christ Went up on High far Above the Sky

(Tune: Genevan 47)

1. Christ went up on high far above the sky.
Satan and his realm he had overwhelmed.
As when he was born so on his return
angels praised the Lord, who all things restored.
Him we see no more yet we him adore
for he rules as King over everything.
2. Christ our nature shared and our pain endured.
He bore all our guilt and his blood was spilt.
He was crucified; as a man he died,
but he rose again evermore to reign.
He, both God and man, sits on heaven's throne.
There he for us pleads, always intercedes.
3. When he did ascend he gave this command:
"You must go and teach, fearlessly must preach
the good news of me and my victory.
In God's triune Name baptize those I claim.
They who will believe shall new life receive.
Cleansed from all their sin they'll be born again."
4. From the Father's throne Christ supplies his own.
He pours out his grace from that heavenly place.
He the Spirit sends who on us descends.
He's our Comforter, our great Counsellor.
Praise the Trinity for his majesty!
Praise the Lord our God! Spread his fame abroad!
George van Popta, 2017.
This ascension hymn is based on a liturgical sequence written by Adam of St. Victor (died 1177). I set it to the Genevan tune for Psalm 47 because Psalm 47 is an ascension Psalm.
You can hear it here: